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Location: situated in one of the most fashionable streets in Manaus, close to the shopping centre and 6 Km. from the city centre.The Adrianópolis Hotel is the ideal place for business or for pleasure. 100 rooms with balcony and a roof pool with views over the River Negro and the city. The modern and elegant restaurant offers international and local cuisine.
Activités et loisirs
Informations fiscales
Le taux ne comprend pas les taxes locales, les suppléments ou autres frais supplémentaires que l'hôtel peut vous facturer; parce que vous devez les payer directement à la destination. Sauf si l'hôtel indique le contraire
Comment y accéder
The Adrianópolis Apart Service is in one of the streets more strokes of a bell of Manaus, located the five minutes of the Millennium Center Mall, fifteen minutes of the International Airport and twenty minutes of the Industrial Polar region of Manaus.